Valeria D'Ovidio
My name is Valeria D'Ovidio and I'm an Italian Professional Photographer living in Rome (Italy) with South African origins.
With over 10 years of experience as a Professional Photographer, I am confident and dedicated to my creations.
My latest work focuses on Nature and on our ability to connect to it and to the world. It is also a way of celebrating and praising what we are so fortunate to have around us.
We were all used to traveling until a few months ago when the Pandemic challenged us to stay still. “Shades of Nature”, my latest Photographic Project on flowers and nature, was born from my need to remain closer to the natural world while remaining still. I truly think that there's nothing more beautiful than a flower that teeming with life.
When a flower catches my eye and I compose my photograph,
I think about what I would like to showcase. Is it the texture? Color? Pattern? The curves of the veins of the leaves? Or how the light plays with any of these features?
During the course of the day, many flowers track the journey of the sun across the sky.
Wherever light is, no matter how weak, flowers will find it, and that is why I love to enhance the image of a flower: it deserves admiration and is such a great lesson in life on the beautiful flowers give to all humans on Earth.
Flowers make expressions as much as humans or animals do.
Some seem to smile, some look sad, some are distrustful,
Others, again, are candid and honest.
Flower photography is more than just taking a picture of pretty flowers. As you catch those tiny, fleeting lifespans and intricate structures, something highly spiritual happens that brings a sense of peace and gratitude to your soul.
With over 10 years of experience as a Professional Photographer, I am confident and dedicated to my creations.
My latest work focuses on Nature and on our ability to connect to it and to the world. It is also a way of celebrating and praising what we are so fortunate to have around us.
We were all used to traveling until a few months ago when the Pandemic challenged us to stay still. “Shades of Nature”, my latest Photographic Project on flowers and nature, was born from my need to remain closer to the natural world while remaining still. I truly think that there's nothing more beautiful than a flower that teeming with life.
When a flower catches my eye and I compose my photograph,
I think about what I would like to showcase. Is it the texture? Color? Pattern? The curves of the veins of the leaves? Or how the light plays with any of these features?
During the course of the day, many flowers track the journey of the sun across the sky.
Wherever light is, no matter how weak, flowers will find it, and that is why I love to enhance the image of a flower: it deserves admiration and is such a great lesson in life on the beautiful flowers give to all humans on Earth.
Flowers make expressions as much as humans or animals do.
Some seem to smile, some look sad, some are distrustful,
Others, again, are candid and honest.
Flower photography is more than just taking a picture of pretty flowers. As you catch those tiny, fleeting lifespans and intricate structures, something highly spiritual happens that brings a sense of peace and gratitude to your soul.